Dumaring Forest and River Collaborative Conservation Program has been developing and maintaining collaborations with community groups/institutions with legal or customary rights to lands and resources in the scope areas of the Collaborative Conservation Program. The three main partners of community groups/institutions are as follows:

● LPHD1) Pangalima Jerrung with its seven business units (KUPS)2),

● Kekal Patiraja3) and

● KTH4) Bakil-Dumaring.

The Collaborative Conservation Program has also been developing and maintaining collaborations with other relevant community groups/institutions officially set up by the Village Government, namely:

● BUMK5) Dumaring,

● Pokdarwis6) Dumaring and

● Penggerak PKK7) Dumaring.

1) Lembaga Pengelolaan Hutan Desa. Community Institution for Village Forest Management.

2) Kelompok Usaha Perhutanan Sosial. Social Forestry Community Business Group.

3) Kerukunan Keluarga Patiraja. Official organization of the Patiraja Clan.

4) Kelompok Tani Hutan. Forest Farmer Group.

5) Badan Usaha Milik Kampung. Village-Owned Enterprise.

6) Kelompok Sadar Wisata. Village Community Group for Tourism Awareness.

7) Penggerak Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga. Village Family Welfare Education Mobilization Team.